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microsoft visual c

microsoft visual cmicrosoft visual c
  1. The algorithm is implemented in Microsoft Visual C + + programming language .


  2. Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm Library was developed in Microsoft Visual C + + .


  3. After that it introduces the matched software developed with Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 .


  4. The activated sludge system simulation software ? was ? developed with Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 .


  5. The software developed in the language Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 had simple operation , powerful and stable functions .


  6. Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 and MATLAB engine calculation is adopted for the implementation of the simulation program .


  7. To sequence color images panorama matching , using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 we develop a full process system .


  8. The whole software of call center system is programmed in Microsoft Visual C + + on the Windows 2000 platform .


  9. Through using the function of separating windows in Microsoft Visual C + + , the paper design and achieve systemic interface .


  10. A Visualized CAD design system of planetary gear reducer was developed in the Microsoft Visual C + + environment .


  11. C application development environment for32-bit applications , such as IBM Visual Age C + + or Microsoft Visual C + + .


  12. The system is developed with Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 , it can accurately locate the resistor in the image .


  13. Microsoft Visual C + + 6 was used to develop the code , and is required if the code will be customized .


  14. This paper introduces how to draw and analyze quality control chart with Microsoft Visual C + + 6 . 0 based on Windows OS .


  15. A program was developed based on Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 for control of the step motor and reading the data from the spectrophotometer .


  16. Through the mathematics model of induction motors , the working process of the motor can be simulated with Microsoft Visual C + + program .


  17. Microsoft Visual C + + , which is in agreement with the idea of modern software engineering , is an objected-oriented computer program language .


  18. The first Windows 32-bit code for the system is written in Microsoft Visual C + + , working under Windows 98 and XP .


  19. System software is also developed and designed based on Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 , its function is to enacting flow path and digestion procedure parameter .


  20. An analog oscilloscope automatic calibration system is designed and realized using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 programming environment on GPIB interface in this paper .


  21. Finally , a computer stimulation system of evaluation is completed using Microsoft visual c + + . The experimental results are consistent with the results of computer stimulation .


  22. Secondly , a secure communication platform based on peer to peer network is designed and implemented , using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 as development tool .


  23. We use Microsoft Visual C + + to develop a good human-computer interface , including query module , the user management module , and the role modules .


  24. Based on the established model and by using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 , a 3-dimensional calculation simulation program and 2 dimensional image displaying program was developed .


  25. At last , the expressway tunnel monitoring system is designed by Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 . The prolonged time is analyzed . Therefore this protocol is reasonable .


  26. This text is on the basis of probing into MATLAB language and interactive method with the outside program , solve Microsoft Visual C + + language for the first time .


  27. The software of PC is designed under Microsoft Visual C + + environment of compiling , which has friendly man-machine interface , convenient and flexible function menu .


  28. In the development process of system software , embedded programming in each node and monitoring software in PC are implemented respectively using IAR and Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 .


  29. Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;


  30. This paper develops a software of the environmental stress model and its dynamic display by using Microsoft Visual C + + as well as the developing platform provided by the ship maneuvering simulator .
